Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Outback Australian councils make broadband push

Outback councils make broadband push

By Chrissy Arthur

Posted Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:40am AEDT

Remote councils in outback Queensland say they are prepared to spend millions of dollars to ensure their communities get the benefits of the National Broadband Network.

The first links in the network on mainland Australia are being built in north-west Queensland.

Barcoo Mayor Bruce Scott and Diamantina Mayor Robbie Dare have met the federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy to discuss concerns about the network.

Councillor Scott says a plan has been developed to ensure fibre optic services reach their shires.

"We are in an area where the market fails," Cr Scott said.

"We are in an area where it is not commercially viable for telecommunications providers to extend their services.

"Senator Conroy is very receptive of our proposal, he has told us to go away and get some prices and come back and talk to him about how we can make this happen.

"We're looking support from the Queensland Government in this as well to make sure that our communities are not left out."

Tags: community-and-society, government-and-politics, federal-government, internet, science-and-technology, computers-and-technology, internet, information-technology, activism-and-lobbying, qld, diamantina-lakes-4735, longreach-4730, mount-isa-4825

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